Sketches from State Apartments at Dublin Castle 19th January


















Sunday 26th January - National Gallery of Ireland

On Sunday the 26th of January, Dublin Sketchers will sketch in the National Gallery of Ireland from 2pm and meet for drinks at 4pm at the Lincoln's Inn across the way. The Turner exhibition this January is a little different from the usual in that Scotland and Ireland have swapped their collections for the occasion of the 250th anniversary of Turner's birth. And there's plenty more to see and sketch of course.

If it’s your first time out and you can’t spot anyone at 2pm, just choose something to sketch and get stuck in. Keep your eyes open for anyone carrying a sketchbook and say hello. It's a friendly crowd who you’ll get to know over a drink from 4pm. Don't worry if you're late, most of us usually are! You need to bring your own paper and pens/pencils etc.

From 4pm, we'll gather for a drink and to enjoy each other’s sketches at the Lincoln's Inn. A bunch of sketchers will magically appear.

If you would like your sketch to be added to the website, email it to dublinsketchers @ gmail .com or post it to the Dublin Sketchers Social WhatsApp group if you are on that. Please edit your image so that it is low res and properly oriented for posting to the website. If you are posting your sketch on Instagram please #dublinsketchers #urbansketchers

Hope to see you there!

Sunday 19th January - State Apartments at Dublin Castle

On Sunday the 19th of January, Dublin Sketchers will sketch at the State Apartments in Dublin Castle from 2pm and meet for drinks at 4pm at Hogans on Great South Georges Street.

The lovely staff at the State Apartments will welcome us.

A few things to note:

- Go to the main desk at the entrance and tell them you are with Dublin sketchers. You will be given a wrist band that gives you access. 

- No backpacks are allowed. Bring a smaller bag. 

- Liquid paints are not allowed in the State apartments - you can use a waterbrush, but no water containers

- There are tours at the State Apartments, so make sure that you don't block the main narrow passages.

Photo from Dublin Castle website

If it’s your first time out and you can’t spot anyone at 2pm, just choose something to sketch and get stuck in. Keep your eyes open for anyone carrying a sketchbook and say hello. It's a friendly crowd who you’ll get to know over a drink from 4pm. Don't worry if you're late, most of us usually are! You need to bring your own paper and pens/pencils etc.

From 4pm, we'll gather for a drink and to enjoy each other’s sketches at Hogans on Great South Georges Street. We haven't tried this pub yet. Hopefully it won't be too busy. A bunch of sketchers will magically appear.

If you would like your sketch to be added to the website, email it to dublinsketchers @ gmail .com or post it to the Dublin Sketchers Social WhatsApp group if you are on that. Please edit your image so that it is low res and properly oriented for posting to the website. If you are posting your sketch on Instagram please #dublinsketchers #urbansketchers

Hope to see you there!

Sketches from Ranelagh 12th January









Jesse, from home.













Sunday 12th January - Ranelagh

On Sunday the 12th of January, Dublin Sketchers will sketch from 2pm on the main street in Ranelagh, trying to find as many old shop façades as we can, and meet for drinks at 4pm in McSorleys pub.

If it’s your first time out and you can’t spot anyone at 2pm, just choose something to sketch and get stuck in. Keep your eyes open for anyone carrying a sketchbook and say hello. It's a friendly crowd who you’ll get to know over a drink from 4pm. Don't worry if you're late, most of us usually are! You need to bring your own paper and pens/pencils etc.

From 4pm, we'll gather for a drink and to enjoy each other’s sketches at McSorleys pub. A bunch of sketchers will magically appear.

If you would like your sketch to be added to the website, email it to dublinsketchers @ gmail .com or post it to the Dublin Sketchers Social WhatsApp group if you are on that. Please edit your image so that it is low res and properly oriented for posting to the website. If you are posting your sketch on Instagram please #dublinsketchers #urbansketchers

Hope to see you there!


Screenshot from Google Maps

If you are a regular sketcher and you are planning to enter your sketches for the exhibition at the Ranelagh Arts Centre next Spring, make sure to sketch on loose leaf paper. And remember that the idea is that we sketch on location, from direct observation.

Sunday 5 January - Camden Street area

On Sunday the 5th of January, Dublin Sketchers will sketch on Camden Street from 2pm and meet for drinks at 4pm at Ryan's pub.

A few areas of interest for sketchers:

  • There is an old cinema, now the Camden DeLuxe Hotel
  • Not far from it, Penny Farthing Cycles has an interesting feature on the façade
  • A little bit further up the road, Devitt's pub also is very sketchable.
  • If the weather is too cold, you can get shelter in Devitt's pub, Ryan's pub, Fresh, or Caffé Nero.

Screenshot from Google Maps

If it’s your first time out and you can’t spot anyone at 2pm, just choose something to sketch and get stuck in. Keep your eyes open for anyone carrying a sketchbook and say hello. It's a friendly crowd who you’ll get to know over a drink from 4pm. Don't worry if you're late, most of us usually are! You need to bring your own paper and pens/pencils etc.

From 4pm, we'll gather for a drink and to enjoy each other’s sketches at Ryan's pub. A bunch of sketchers will magically appear.

If you would like your sketch to be added to the website, email it to dublinsketchers @ gmail .com or post it to the Dublin Sketchers Social WhatsApp group if you are on that. Please edit your image so that it is low res and properly oriented for posting to the website. If you are posting your sketch on Instagram please #dublinsketchers #urbansketchers

Hope to see you there!

Sketches from the National Museum 29th December









Maggy, in Ringsend

Jesse, in Smithfield









Xavier, in Kaunas

Veronique, in West Cork