Sunday 27 February - ships and boats in the river Liffey, near CHQ building

Sunday 27th February from 2PM Dublin Sketchers will sketch ships and boats in the river Liffey. Both the Jeannie Johnston (3 masted sailing ship) and the Cill Áirne (last European riveted ship) are permanently moored there. You will also likely see kayaks navigating the river and the Liffey ferry boat.

Meet for Coffee 4PM at the CHQ building beside the Jeannie Johnston.

If it's your first time and you can't spot anyone at 2PM, just chose something to sketch and get stuck in. Keep your eyes open for anyone carrying a sketchbook and say hello. It's a friendly crowd who you'll get to know when we get together at 4PM. Don't worry if you're late, most of us usually are! You need to bring your own paper and pens/pencils etc.

Now with most of the restrictions lifted we can meet inside for a drink and a chat.

If you would like your sketch to be added to the website, email to: or post it to the Dublin Sketchers Social WhatsApp group if you are on that.

Please edit your image so that it is low res and properly oriented for posting to the website. If you're on Instagram, use#dublinsketchers #urbansketchers

Looking forward to seeing you there

Sketches from St.Patricks Park and near by, also sketches from home due to the stormy weather today!



                                                             Leon H. 


                                                           James M.





                                                             Alex C,

                                                       Marie Helene

                                                            Mary O'C



                                              Vourneen  (West of Ireland)


                                                            Michael C.
                                                           Elaine W.

                                                               Peter B.

Caitriona S.



Sunday 20th February - St Patrick's Park

Sunday 20th February from 2PM Dublin Sketchers will sketch at St Patrick's Park where there will be a Books and Browsables Market with new, second hand, vintage, retro and upcycle books & goods.
Maybe bring a foldable chair as park benches are likely to be full.

Meet for Coffee 4PM at the Tram Cafe in the park.

If it's your first time and you can't spot anyone at 2PM, just chose something to sketch and get stuck in. Keep your eyes open for anyone carrying a sketchbook and say hello. It's a friendly crowd who you'll get to know when we get together at 4PM. Don't worry if you're late, most of us usually are! You need to bring your own paper and pens/pencils etc.

Now with most of the restrictions lifted we can meet inside for a drink and a chat.

If you would like your sketch to be added to the website, email to: or post it to the Dublin Sketchers Social WhatsApp group if you are on that.

Sketches from around College Green and Dame St. on Sunday 13th Feb. 2022
















                                                            Caitriona S.






                                                             Peter B.
                                                            Michael C.
                                                            Mary O'C

Adrian (Rome)

Sunday 13th February-College Green

Sunday 13th February from 2PM Dublin Sketchers will sketch at College Green  outside Trinity College as shown in the photo. There's very good views from here, a place to sit (window cills) and three steps above the busy road and footpath. 

Meet for Coffee 4PM at Starbucks, across the road, corner of College Green and Foster Place.

If it's your first time and you can't spot anyone at 2PM, just chose something to sketch and get stuck in. Keep your eyes open for anyone carrying a sketchbook and say hello. It's a friendly crowd who you'll get to know when we get together at 4PM. Don't worry if you're late, most of us usually are! You need to bring your own paper and pens/pencils etc.

Now with most of the restrictions lifted we can meet inside for a drink and a chat.

Meet 4PM at Starbucks across the road corner of College Green and Foster Place.

If you would like your sketch to be added to the website, email to: or post it to the Dublin Sketchers Social WhatsApp group if you are on that.

Please edit your image so that it is low res and properly oriented for posting to the website. If you're on Instagram, use#dublinsketchers #urbansketchers

Looking forward to seeing you there.