Sunday 1st May 2022
On Sunday 1st May, from 2pm, Dublin Sketchers will be around College Green.
Above is an image from a Malton Print of Dublin. This is one of the few views of Dublin that is (relatively) unaltered- but the poor Irish Yeast company is looking rather sad! The prints had relatively minimum colour -often showing the fashionable lemon yellow.
It is suggested that we might do a modern day version of this area - more colourful perhaps ? or on a tablet? or perhaps some might like to romanticise it a little !
It's a friendly crowd who you'll get to know when we get together at 4pm. Suggested venue is Starbucks on College Green near Foster place.
Don't worry if you're late, most of us usually are! You need to bring your own paper and pens/pencils etc.
If you would like your sketch to be added to the website, email to: dublinsketchers @ gmail .com or post it to the Dublin Sketchers Social WhatsApp group if you are on that.
Please edit your image so that it is low res and properly oriented for posting to the website. If you're on Instagram, use#dublinsketchers #urbansketchers
Looking forward to seeing you there.