Sunday the 27th Meetup

Anyone interested in meeting up at the Municipal Art Gallery steps, Parnell Square,1pm, we have the museum and the garden of remembrance i think (the one with the Children of Lir sculpture in it). Alternative suggestions welcome.


Sunday 13th - Chester Beatty

...1pm at main entrance. Check out this link for location:

Sunday 13th - any ideas?

Urban beach was suggested, but as Stephen pointed out it may not offer all that much grist for the 'creative' mill (of our artistic genius!). Anyway, enough appalling metaphors... Does anyone else have any ideas for indoor or outdoor locations they'd like to try out? There was talk of St. Audoens last week, or the grounds of Christchurch or St. Patricks cathedral. The Chester Beatty also has a couple of nice exhibitions and a roof-top garden which could allow for some interesting roof-scapes. Dublin castle itself is quite interesting now that i think of it... just post your preference here please. :-)

Sunday 6th July - Collins barracks at 1pm

Hey, just wondering if anybody will be about on Sunday for a sketching session. If it's raining we could try somewhere like Collins Barracks, and if it's good weather... well the sky's the limit.
Anyway, if you could post here to let me know if you are coming that'd be great. Sarah