First is the first Dublin Plein Eire Paint Out! Painting outdoors basically. But feel free to use whatever medium you like - watercolour, oils, acyrlics, pastels, etc.
This is happening at Sat, 4 Sept at 12noon at Farmleigh in the Phoenix Park. Meet at the Farmeligh Car Park at 12 noon. Disperse from there and meet up at Boathouse Coffee Shop at 3 Organiser John O Flynn/087 2709097 will be there from 11.45 with easel up to mark presence. Here's a link for Plein Eire Dublin

A lot of it appears free some of it is workshops and the like but more details can be found here.
Click on images for the bigger picture
Thirdly is an invite to sketch in some seldom seen rooms in the RDS that are full of paintings, sculpture, and rare, odd and interesting objects as part of Culture Night(which will take place on Friday September 24th 2010 all over Dublin and towns around Ireland).
Incidently at the RDS rooms the Narrative Arts Club will be performing a series of shows of about 20 minutes each, at the following times: 6.50 pm, 7.50pm, 8.50pm and 10pm. In the intervals, visitors are free to wander around and see the other attractions of this very special venue: the beautiful arthitecture, furniture, paintings and sculptures, the first film projector used to show a film in Dublin, plus special science demonstrations arranged for the evening.
More info coming about this...
Finally there is a special exhibition on the Friday 24th of September between 5 – 10 pm to commemorate 50 years of the Trinity Arts Workshop which takes place in the 191 Pearse Street Life Drawing Studios kicking off that day aswell.