Sketches from Print Museum.

Here are the sketches from the print museum. There was a fingerprint or dust on the lens of my camera which is why the pictures are slightly blurred in centre- I  didn't realise until I got home and I was transferring them to my computer.











Sunday 24th August - Kilmainham

On Sunday the 24th August Dublin Sketchers are going to Kilmainham.

If you're feeling flush, pay into the gaol and take your sketch pad and pencil on the tour! Otherwise, there's loads to explore and draw outside in the area. The new complex opposite the Gaol has some interesting architecture, or pop over the road and sketch the graves or the grounds of IMMA.  If we're plagued by rain, why not head into IMMA.

We'll meet at 2pm at the front entrance of the Gaol.

From 4pm, we'll gather for The Patriot Inn for a beverage and to check out each other's work.

The Patriot Inn is just outside the back arch of IMMA, near Kilmainham Gaol.

This week's optional challenge is to draw a sketch without taking your pencil/pen/brush off the page.

If you haven't been before keep your eyes open for anyone carrying a sketch book and come and say hello. Don't worry if you're late, most of us usually are! 

Hope to see you there!

Sunday 17th August Iveagh Gardens

On Sunday the 17th August Dublin Sketchers are going to The Iveagh Gardens behind the National Concert Hall

We'll meet at 2pm at the angelic fountain in the middle (not the waterfall at the side!)

From 4pm, we'll gather for a coffee at The Bleeding Horse to share sketch books over some kind of liquid sustenance.

This week's optional challenge is to sketch one of the statues in the garden.

If you haven't been before keep your eyes open for anyone carrying a sketch book and come and say hello. Don't worry if you're late, most of us usually are! 

Hope to see you there!

Sketches from Botanic Gardens

Soft day, drops of rain, plants taking human form... Yes, an afternoon out with Dublin Sketchers

Sunday 10th August Botanic Gardens

On Sunday the 10th August Dublin Sketchers are going to The Botanic Gardens. Picture all those beautiful botanical things lying waiting for you to sketch them.

We'll meet at 2pm at the main entrance.

If you haven't been before keep your eyes open for anyone carrying a sketch book and come and say hello. Don't worry if you're late, most of us usually are! 

From 4pm, we'll gather The Gravediggers pub (also known as Kavanagh's, I think). This is easy to walk to from the Botanic Gardens: find the new gateway between the Botanic Gardens and Glasnevin Cemetery. Walk through it and follow the cemetery wall round to the left until you find a big imposing gateway. Go through it (yes, it's open) and you'll find a green with the pub on it

This week's optional challenge is to allow the plant life to take on human qualities.

Dublin Sketchers

A big thank you to Des for arranging the locations for July.

In August, John C is choosing where we are off to every Sunday!