Sketches from Chester Beatty Sunday 25th October 2015


Linda S



                                                                       R.  R.



                                                                          Mary O C





Sunday 25 October - Dublin Castle

This Sunday 25 October, Dublin Sketchers are meeting at Dublin Castle.

There is an exhibition in the Coach House building entitled “Desire: Jewellery & Body Ornaments – A Retrospective” which might be interesting.  Or you might like to sketch outdoors in the Dubh Linn gardens or inside at the Chester Beatty Library. 

We will meet at 2pm at the entrance to the Chester Beatty Library.  Don’t worry if you’re late - just get stuck in and draw whatever takes your fancy.

We’ll meet again at 4pm at the same place and go for coffee in the Silk Road Café

If you haven't been before, keep your eyes open for anyone carrying a sketch book and come and say hello.  Dublin Sketcher’s is FREE – just bring your own drawing materials.

Hope to see you there!

Sunday 18 October - Sweney's Chemist

This Sunday 18 October, Dublin Sketchers are meeting at Sweney’s Chemist, Lincoln Place, Dublin 2.

Sweney’s Chemist is an historic Dublin shop that is mentioned in James Joyce’s Ulysses.  Also known as “Dublin Worst Chemist”, they sell nothing but old books and lemon soap.

We have received a special invitation to join them on Sunday.  We’ll meet at 2pm outside the shop. 

We’ll meet again at 4pm and adjourn to the coffee shop in the National Gallery of Ireland for refreshments and a chat.   

If you haven't been before, keep your eyes open for anyone carrying a sketch book and come and say hello.  Dublin Sketcher’s is FREE – just bring your own drawing materials.

Hope to see you there!

Sunday 11 October - Fusion Sunday, Newmarket Square, Dublin 8

This Sunday 11 October, Dublin Sketchers are meeting at the Fusion Sunday World Culture Market, Newmarket Square, Dublin 8.

We will meet at 2pm at the front entranceDon’t worry if you’re late - just get stuck in and draw whatever takes your fancy.

We’ll meet again at 4pm at the main entrance and decide where to go for coffee.  (We will probably stay at the market for coffee or - if it’s too hectic there - we can retire to Fallon’s Pub on Dean Street for a quiet chat).

If you haven't been before, keep your eyes open for anyone carrying a sketch book and come and say hello.  Dublin Sketcher’s is FREE – just bring your own drawing materials.

Hope to see you there!

Sketches from Glasnevin Cemetery 04 October 2015









Sunday 04 October - Glasnevin Cemetary

This Sunday 04 October, Dublin Sketchers are meeting at Glasnevin Cemetery, Finglas Road, Dublin 11.  

Glasnevin is Ireland’s most historic graveyard and is the resting place of over one million Dubliners.

Everyday at 2.30pm there is a re-enactment of Padraig Pearse’s fiery oration from 1915 (“The fools, the fools, the fools … “ and all that) which is well worth catching. Recently, they have opened the gate which allows you wander into the Botanic Gardens if you prefer to draw plants than headstones.

We will meet at 2pm at the front entranceDon’t worry if you’re late - just get stuck in and draw whatever takes your fancy.

We’ll meet again at 4pm and adjourn to Kavanagh’s Pub (aka the Gravediggers) for refreshments and a chat.   

If you haven't been before, keep your eyes open for anyone carrying a sketch book and come and say hello.  Dublin Sketcher’s is FREE – just bring your own drawing materials.

Hope to see you there
