Sunday 3 February - Chinese Square Dancing at Meeting House Square

There is Chinese Square Dancing to celebrate Chinese New Year in Meeting House Square, Temple Bar:
Here's a website about the event:

So on Sunday the 3rd of February Dublin Sketchers will sketch at Meeting House Square, Temple Bar and/or nearby cafes /the Irish Film Institute/galleries facing onto the square from 2pm
 and meet for drinks at 4pm.
If it’s your first time out and you can’t spot anyone at 2pm, just choose something to sketch and
get stuck in. Keep your eyes open for anyone carrying a sketchbook and say hello. It's a friendly
crowd who you’ll get to know over a drink from 4pm. Don't worry if you're late, most of us usually
are! You need to bring your own paper and pens/pencils etc.

From 4pm, we'll gather for a drink at in The Stags Head, 1 Dame Court. A bunch of sketchers will
magically appear.
This week's optional challenge is to capture the atmosphere in Meeting House Square
Hope to see you there!

Sketches from City Assembly House, 29 January 2019

Here are the sketches, and a few photos, from our afternoon at City Assembly House, home of the Irish Georgian Society, who kindly invited us to sketch on their premises.
Thank you Zoë from the Irish Georgian Society who made this possible.

A beautiful location with an interesting history.

And if any of you own a period house, the Irish Georgian Society is giving 12 lunchtime talks on the subject of  'Conserving your Dublin Period House', with topics as varied as legislation, extensions, taking care of your roof, chimneys and parapets, the importance of using lime and historic pointing techniques, etc.

(And if you would like to invite us to sketch inside and outside your period house, just let us know - we're always on the lookout for interesting locations!)

Apologies for the quality of some of the photos - the light wasn't great in Grogan's pub across the road. A wonderful pub, by the way. We should sketch there some day, if we can get a seat!















Here are some sketches from the Print Museum, Dublin.

Marie, Marie-Helene, 
Peter, Mauro and Isla.

Mandy, James, Pat,
Marie-Helene and Aideen.

Louise, Mary O'C,
Des and Isoilde.

Neasa and Alice.

Jessica and Kate.


Dublin Sketchers at the Print Museum

On Sunday the 27th of January the Dublin Sketchers will sketch in the Print Museum from 2pm and meet for drinks at 4pm in the  coffee shop at the Print Museum.
There will be a guided tour going on from 3 to 4 while we are there so we would ask you to be mindful of that.

If it’s your first time out and you can’t spot anyone at 2pm, just choose something to sketch and get stuck in. Keep your eyes open for anyone carrying a sketchbook and say hello. It's a friendly crowd who you’ll get to know over a drink from 4pm. Don't worry if you're late, most of us usually are! You need to bring your own paper and pens/pencils etc.

Here's a website about the location

From 4pm, we'll gather for a drink at the Print Museum coffee shop. A bunch of sketchers will magically appear.

This week's optional challenge is to make a sketch using a medium that challenges you!

Hope to see you there!


Sketches from Top Floor, Coffee Shop at Debenhams, Henry Street, Sunday 20th. Jan.2019

Great results from the Debenhams Cafe viewpoint today, and also wonderful items to check out at the Church Cafe Bar, where hopefully we may go there again and sketch more Dublin views from their rooftop!

                                                                       James M.


                                                                    John C.





                                                                Marian D.

                                                                    Derek L.

                                                                    Pat McA.




                                                           Mary S.  (1)

                                                             Mary S  (2)



                                                                  Michael C.

                                                                  Mary O'C.

On Sunday 20th of January the Dublin Sketchers will go to the Coffee shop on the top floor of Debenhams, Henry Street.

On Sunday the 20th of January the Dublin Sketchers will sketch from the Coffee shop on the top floor of Debenhams Department store from 2pm and meet for drinks at 4pm in the Church cafe bar.

If it’s your first time out and you can’t spot anyone at 2pm, just choose something to sketch and get stuck in. Keep your eyes open for anyone carrying a sketchbook and say hello. It's a friendly crowd who you’ll get to know over a drink from 4pm. Don't worry if you're late, most of us usually are! You need to bring your own paper and pens/pencils etc.

Here's a website about the location.

From 4pm, we'll gather for a drink at the Church Bar/Cafe. A bunch of sketchers will magically appear.
Here's a website....

Hope to see you there!


Tuesday 29 January, 2pm, City Assembly House

Dublin Sketchers has made special arrangements to sketch at City Assembly House, the home of the Irish Georgian Society, on Tuesday 29th January, from 2pm This house has a rich history and is a lovely location to sketch. We will have access to the Knight of Glin Exhibition Room, which has been completely refurbished, and to the O'Connell room upstairs from which we will have views of South William Street.

City Assembly House is situated at 58 South William Street, near Powerscourt Townhouse and across from Grogans' Pub, where we can meet for a drink and a chat after sketching.

Note that this sketch meeting is on a Tuesday afternoon. It does not replace our usual Sunday afternoon outings. It is an extra opportunity to sketch for those of you who are available. It has been kindly arranged by the Irish Georgian Society to give us access to this lovely building, which is closed on Sundays.

Entrance for Dublin Sketchers will be free of charge, but all donations to the Irish Georgian Society are welcome.

If you've not been out with Dublin Sketchers before, we're a relaxed and friendly bunch of people who like to sketch and draw. Bring along your own gear (paper, drawing implements etc), pick something to sketch and get stuck in.

Here are some of the sketches we made at the Lexicon Library today, Sunday 13th of January.

James, Caroline,
Christine and Vourneen

Louise and Elenora

Pat, Marie-Helene x 2
Aodh and Alice

Mauro and Mary O C

On Sunday 13th of January 2019 the Dublin Sketchers will go to the Lexicon Library, Dún Laoghaire.

On Sunday the 13th of January the Dublin Sketchers will sketch at the Lexicon Library, Dún Laoghaire from 2pm and meet for drinks at 4pm at the Forty Foot Pub.

If it’s your first time out and you can’t spot anyone at 2pm, just choose something to sketch and get stuck in. Keep your eyes open for anyone carrying a sketchbook and say hello. It's a friendly crowd who you’ll get to know over a drink from 4pm. Don't worry if you're late, most of us usually are! You need to bring your own paper and pens/pencils etc.

Here's a website about the location:

From 4pm, we'll gather for a drink at the Forty Foot pub. A bunch of sketchers will magically appear

Look forward to seeing you there.
