Dublin Sketchers get together every Sunday afternoon in Dublin to sketch. We go to a different place each week. Check here before hand to see where we are off to. Come along if you fancy it! We start sketching from 2pm and meet at 4pm for a drink and chat. We are part of the global Urban Sketchers community.
Making Dublin Sketchers Happen...
... A big thank you to Melanie for arranging the locations for Dublin Sketchers for the month of February. This year, we're aiming to have a different person arranging the locations for each month. Hopefully, we'll end up in some wonderful and stimulating locations as we explore Dublin through sketching. We've had a few people offer to do a month, which is great. Do email dublinsketchers @ gmail dot com if you'd like to contribute 15 minutes of your life once a week for a month to make Dublin Sketchers happen.