Pearse Museum Facebook link
Are you going to the Pearse Museum for Drawing Day? Drawings completed on site on 16 May can be entered in a competition in which you can win free entry for you and your family into all OPW Heritage Sites for one year! We're going to post a few suggestions for things you can sketch on Saturday on this page throughout the week
The Pearse Museum is very near to Marlay Park in Rathfarnham. It is a great museum with a pleasant garden and a beautiful tree surrounded parkland walk with it's own stream flowing through it. So there is plenty to draw inside or outside whatever the weather is doing.
Map link here
The number 16 bus goes from O'Connell St. to Grange Road, St.Enda's every 15 minutes or so.
You can ask the driver to let you out at the Pearse Museum or St.Enda's Park - the museum is in the park, it's free into the park and museum and there is a coffee shop there aswell.