Sunday, 31st July - 'Hotter Than July' at Smithfield Square, D7

Hello Sketchers,

This Sunday, the 31st  July, we go around the World. There is the ‘Hotter Than July’ world music festival at Smithfield Square. So I suggest to meet here at 2pm. The festival is free… and it goas on from 3 to 9, but I am sure there will be plenty of activity to sketch from 2pm.

To pinpoint a meeting place, let’s meet at the Generator Hostel at 2pm and later we can have our get together here again from 4pm.

… and on facebook…

We are an informal gathering who meet every Sunday to share our love of sketching. We have fun exploring interesting places and events around Dublin. We always visit places that are free of charge and accessible by public transport. (You're welcome to suggest a location yourself if you want.)

New people come along almost every week so don't be shy about introducing yourself. It's a nice friendly gathering and you'll get know us over coffee. Just have a sketch pad in your hand at 2pm and we'll spot you! (You need to bring your own drawing materials.)

See you there,

Dublin Sketchers

Sketches from Imma, Sunday 24th July 2016.

Another nice day sketching in between the few showers!

                                                                         2 By Balazs

                                                                   2 By Marie Helene

2 By Richard

2 By Jessica

By Mary O C

By Patricia

By James

By Des
By Sarah                                                                    By Mafaldo

By Mary S.

Sunday, 24th July - IMMA at Kilmainham

Hello Sketchers,

This Sunday, the 24th July, we go to the IMMA / Irish Museum of Modern Art.

There is a chance it will rain – in this case the museum interiors and the multitude of different exhibitions can offer some points of interest… In case the weather permits, the museum garden is a great place to be.
For information about the museum and exhibitions, see

We will draw and paint away from 2pm. We will meet at the Gallery Café at 4pm and have a chat, some nibbles and look at each other's work.

We are an informal gathering who meet every Sunday to share our love of sketching. We have fun exploring interesting places and events around Dublin. We always visit places that are free of charge and accessible by public transport. (You're welcome to suggest a location yourself if you want.)

New people come along almost every week so don't be shy about introducing yourself. It's a nice friendly gathering and you'll get know us over coffee. Just have a sketch pad in your hand at 2pm and we'll spot you! (You need to bring your own drawing materials.)
Looking forward to seeing you at the weekend or in the near future.

See you there,

Dublin Sketchers

Sketches Today, 17th July 2016, Science Gallery and Trinity College, Dublin.

We visited the exhibition in the Science Gallery and as it was such a warm day, also wandered around the grounds sketching.

By Stephen C

                                                                   By Mauro
                                                                   2 By Linda

                                                                          By Richard

                                                                      By Jessica

                                                                   2 By Marie Helene

2 By Mary S

                                                                     By Balazs

                                                                  2 By Liz

By Dave



                      3 By Mary O' C

Sunday, 17th July - Trinity College Dublin (Science Gallery)

Hello Sketchers,

This Sunday, the 17th July, we go to Trinity College Dublin (Science Gallery).

The Science Gallery, opposite Pearse Station, is a great place to meet. They have an interesting exhibition ‘Seeing – What are you looking at?’

If you want to enjoy the good weather and the lively scenery of TCD, please do so.

Depending on our interest, some of us will draw and paint away from 2pm in the Gallery or at Trinity College grounds… and then at 4pm we meet at the Café of the Science Gallery for a coffee, chat and to have a look at each other's work.

We are an informal gathering who meet every Sunday to share our love of sketching. We have fun exploring interesting places and events around Dublin. We always visit places that are free of charge and accessible by public transport (You're welcome to suggest a location yourself if you want).

New people come along almost every week so don't be shy about introducing yourself. It's a nice friendly gathering and you'll get know us over coffee. Just have a sketch pad in your hand at 2pm and we'll spot you! (You need to bring your own drawing materials)
Looking forward to seeing you at the weekend or in the near future.

See you there,

Dublin Sketchers

Sketches from today in Merrion Sq. 10.7.2016

                                                                      3 by Amy

                                                                        By Bridget

                                                                          By Kieran

                                                                Two by Martin

                                                                          By  Jane

By Stephen C

By Mauro

                                                                      Two by Liam

                                                                  By  Mary O C    

Sunday, 10th July - Merrion Sq (City Spectacular Festival)

Hello Sketchers,

This Sunday, the 10th July, we go to Merrion Square - City Spectacular Festival.
In case its raining the National Gallery is a nice sheltered venue in the vicinity. However at the Merrion Square, there is a large scale Summer Festival! Check out

Depending on our interest, some of us will draw and paint away from 2pm at the above locations… and then at 4pm we meet at the Café of the National Gallery for a coffee and to have a look at each other's work.

We are an informal gathering who meet every Sunday to share our love of sketching. We have fun exploring interesting places and events around Dublin. We always visit places that are free of charge and accessible by public transport (You're welcome to suggest a location yourself if you want).

New people come along almost every week so don't be shy about introducing yourself.  It's a nice friendly gathering and you'll get know us over coffee.  Just have a sketch pad in your hand and we'll spot each other! (You need to bring your own drawing materials.)
Looking forward to seeing you at the weekend or in the near future.

See you there,

Dublin Sketchers