Dublin Sketchers get together every Sunday afternoon in Dublin to sketch. We go to a different place each week. Check here before hand to see where we are off to. Come along if you fancy it! We start sketching from 2pm and meet at 4pm for a drink and chat. We are part of the global Urban Sketchers community.
Sunday 21st February
Hey there arty peoples :)
Due to popular demand and the whim of the committee we shall be debuting at the shiny new time of 2:00pm this weekend!! Wow! I know, I feel a little tingly just saying it, 2:00pm. There, I did it again. That's a whole extra hour of hangover time with sweet lady pillow. So now that that's underlined in your mind, the location... Yes, oh, I should mention that this brand spanking new start time is by no means a permanent fixture. We're merely trying it out, giving it a day in court as it were. By all means voice any concerns you have during this honeymoon period when the hearts are still dancing about in front of your lovely mostly off white eyes. Sorry, I'm rambling.
Yes, eh, the Chinese new year is upon us. You may have noticed a couple of cultural events happening about the city in the last week. Well quite frankly we want in on it. To that end we propose a trip to the Chester Beatty museum/library thingy in Dublin Castle. Oh yes, an old favourite of the sketchers group and for good reason! They give us chairs ;) They are currently hosting a temporary exhibition highlighting "Narrative and Figure Paintings 15th-20th Century from the Shanghai Museum". Ooooh. Looks deadly.
So anyway, that time again? Two of the clock post meridiem. That kicks the coffee out to 4:00, make note.
We'll assemble in or around the entrance to the museum itself (within the grounds, past the garden) for two. I'll be waving my sketchpad, that's me there with the odd beard and habit of walking into invisible walls.
Hope to see you there,