Apologies - I forgot to post on the blog! If anyone is not on the mailing list, just send us an email (link on right side of page!) and we'll make sure you get an email each week to let you know where we're meeting up!
Botanic Gardens is the sketching venue this Sunday, lots to sketch and it's kind of independent of the weather with the toasty glasshouses! 2pm again, meet outside the cafe!
Botanic Gardens are in Glasnevin; buses that go there are the 19, 83, and 13: Dublin Bus Routes (Thanks Ciaran for links!!)
Everyone welcome, if you haven't sketched with us before don't be shy - have a sketchpad out and we'll make sure you're included! If you are running late, just ramble around and sketch away - we'll meet OUTSIDE the cafe after sketching, at 4pm - we will most likely go across the road for coffee afterwards as there is more room to mingle!
See you all there, Tracy