Collins Barracks - 2pm - Sunday 7th March

Hi all!

Well it seemed fairly unanimous that ye all want to go and look at things like bricks and stuffed animals this week, so it's off to the Collins Barracks with us this Sunday! The Natural History temporary homing of the "Dead Zoo at Large" is one option, along with all of the other exhibitions including Eileen Gray, a temporary space exhitibion, Irish Silver and Furniture and Fashion of years gone by.

So. There you have it - Sunday at 2pm, meeting at the entrance to "The Dead Zoo at Large" on the left side of the courtyard. Coffee at 4pm in the cafe.

See you there, anyone who hasn't been out sketching with us before that wishes to come along - bring whatever you like and have a sketchpad out so we'll recognise you as one of us!
