This Sunday we are going to visit the Chester Beatty Library in Dublin Castle.

The Chester Beatty has a special exhibition on show at the moment featuring paintings on loan from the collection of the National Gallery.  And, if the weather is fine, the grounds of Dublin Castle offer plenty of interesting subject matter.  It will be nice to gather in the city centre again after our recent expeditions to the suburbs.  Hopefully we’ll have a good crowd and we’ll all be inspired.  

We'll meet at 2pm at the entrance to the Chester Beatty.

If you're new to Dublin Sketchers, you'll spot us easily as we'll be holding our sketchpads. Don't worry if you're late - just get stuck in with the drawing

We'll meet again at 4pm at the same place to go for a coffee (probably at the Chester Beatty Café) and to enjoy looking at each other's sketchpads. 

Hope to see you there.


Work from Milltown 23-Sept-12

Dodder Bridge by Chris

Rhino by Des

The Dropping Well by Maria

The Nine Arches by John K

The Dropping Well by John C
A late entry ... Marta Sastre's sketch from PhizzFest a few week's ago.


This Sunday we are going to visit the Dropping Well Pub and the Nine Arches Railway Bridge in Milltown.

The Dropping Well is an interesting old pub located in a picturesque spot on the banks of the Dodder.  The pub is ornately decorated both inside and out.  There are a number of sculptures of animals in the river and hopefully some real wildlife will also appear.  The pub is a short distance from the magnificent Nine Arches Railway Bridge, which nowadays is frequented by the Luas Green Line.  The Dropping Well is just three minutes walk from the Milltown Luas Stop. (The 128, 44, 48A bus routes are also within walking distance of the pub). The website for the Dropping Well is

We'll meet at 2pm at the entrance to The Dropping Well.

If you're new to Dublin Sketchers, you'll spot us easily as we'll be holding our sketch pads. Don't worry if you're late - just get stuck in with the drawing

We'll meet again at 4pm at the Dropping Well to go for a coffee and to enjoy looking at each other's sketch pads.

Hope to see you there!


Botanic Gardens 16-09-12

By Aiden

By Carey

Flower by Catherine

Flower by Chris

Greenhouse by Colette

Arch by Des

Trees by Etain

Arch by Farrah

Flower Power by John K

Twisty Tree by Kathrine

Spiral by Mandy

Flowers by Marie

Buildings by Olly


This Sunday we are going to visit the National Botanic Gardens in Glasnevin.

It's a good time of the year to visit the gardens as they are full mellow fruitfulness.  As a special treat, there is a "Sculpture in Context" installation on show at the moment.  So, if flowers are not your thing, there are some interesting sculptures lying around that could fire your imagination. 

We'll meet at 2pm at the main entrance.

The website for the Botanic Gardens is

If you're new to Dublin Sketchers, you'll spot us easily as we'll be holding our sketch pads. Don't worry if you're late - just get stuck in with the drawing

We'll meet again at 4pm at the main entrance to go for a coffee (probably at the coffee shop in the visitors centre) where we can enjoy looking at each other's sketch pads.

Hope to see you there!


Some work from Phizz - Fest

John Conway



Stephen Cavanaugh


Maria Bonals

Maria Bonals
