Sunday May 17 th – Public Art

This Sunday May 17th 2020 we will be sketching from the safety of our own homes. 
Sketching will start at approximately 2pm and finish at 4pm.
Dublin city and suburbs have many examples of public art which includes sculptures, statues, memorials, murals and mosaics.
Maybe there is an example you have a particular fondness for, a memory or an association.
Some examples can be found in list form on Wikipedia (List of Public Art Dublinand elsewhere on the internet.

If you would like your sketch to be added to the website, email it to dublinsketchers @ gmail .com or post it to the Dublin Sketchers Social Whats App group if you are on that. Please edit your image so that it is low res and properly oriented for posting to the website. 

We will meet at 4pm on Zoom. We will show each other our sketches and perhaps sketch each other via Zoom.  Bring your own refreshments.
If you would like to join the Zoom meet up, here's the information.

Topic: Dublin Sketchers
Time: May 17, 2020 04:00 PM Dublin

Meeting ID: 775 2888 2839

Password: You will need a password to join - you can either email before noon on Sunday to ask for the password, or if you are on the Dublin Sketchers WhatsApp you will find the password there.

There's a waiting room set up for the Zoom, so please wait a few minutes to join.