Dublin Sketchers get together every Sunday afternoon in Dublin to sketch. We go to a different place each week. Check here before hand to see where we are off to. Come along if you fancy it! We start sketching from 2pm and meet at 4pm for a drink and chat. We are part of the global Urban Sketchers community.
Sunday 2nd May
Well hello, hello bright and shiny sketcher peoples.
I hope this update finds you well? The weather is going to be a very interesting factor in this weekend's sketching. It is proposed that we meet for the SoGo festival in and around George's Street in the city centre. There's fun aplenty to be had and I'm sure myriad colourful characters to draw if only they'll stop swirling for a few minutes. In addition, there'll be plenty of nice indoorsy respites for when the heavens open. Heavens yes, clouds in fact. The meeting time will be 2:00pm and the location, well let's go with Jessica's suggestion of outside Grogan's pub on South William's Street opposite the Powerscourt Town House wherein I believe some manner of storytellin' will be in full swing. (Or perhaps some swinging will be in full tilt, I find it hard to keep up. I really do)
Most everyone will very quickly dissipate and find themself terrifyingly adrift in transient lucidity. To this end, it has been further suggested that we meet in a predefined place for the like of coffee and musings. Let us this time ignore Jessica's fine suggestion of the Bell Cafe as it's miles away from where sketching will be afoot. Ehm, wait, no... no let's do the opposite of that. I've the map upside down. Quite a feat when you consider it's online... Yes, so, Bell Cafe at four. If it's closed, hang on outside to regroup so an alternative can be nominated. Cafe Bell can usually be found on Clarendon Street. It does occasionally wander off for a smoke but always returns thereafter. (Usually wheezing and furtive, staring at its shuffling feet. It's tried to quit I don't know how many times!)
I, for my part, will be around but not sketching :/ Most likely I'll bump into some of you and point hysterically at all the fun and swishy colours I wish I was dragging from hungry pastels.